Combining Cannabis with Other Psychoactive Substances


Cannabinoids and alcohol have the strongest effect on a person’s mental state when consumed simultaneously. Alcoholic beverages dilate blood vessels, increasing the absorption of THC by the body several times.

As for cannabis and other drugs, the consequences of their combination can be very unfavorable. Thus, the combined use of ecstasy and marijuana is dangerous with the emergence of severe intoxication and impaired consciousness, up to coma. The combination of cannabis and methamphetamine causes cross-dependence, which is hard to treat.

In order for your loved one to successfully manage his or her disease, it is imperative that you give him or her full support and assistance. Moralizing and further fueling conflict will not help. Try to criticize the addict less, share his condition with him.

Invite the patient to focus on the reasons why he wants to quit smoking marijuana and the pros that will appear when he gets rid of the addiction. This way he will feel more motivated.

Help the patient find a new activity or hobby that interests him. This can help distract him from his drug cravings, boost his mood, and keep his free time occupied.

It is also important to know that any addiction occurs for a reason. For example, those who use cannabis may be trying to cope with anxiety, depression, or sleep disorders in this way. Help your loved one find appropriate treatments for these conditions, including lifestyle changes, psychotherapy, or medication therapy.

If you notice signs of addiction to this psychoactive substance in your loved one or relative, you should try to calmly discuss the problem with the sufferer and contact a doctor.

Very often cannabinoid addicts deny having problems and claim that they can easily quit smoking pot if they want to. They make promises and vows to their loved ones, but continue to use the drug.

It is not worth delaying a visit to a specialist, as tolerance to cannabis occurs quickly enough that it can lead to the use of other types of psychoactive substances, as well as life-threatening conditions.