Scientists have Proved that Marijuana use Leads to Sleep Disorders


Many people turn to cannabis products, using them as sleeping pills. But as a study by scientists from the University of Toronto (Canada) has shown, marijuana only reduces the quality and duration of sleep.

Scientists have proven that marijuana use leads to sleep disorders

So, adults who used cannabis products for 20 or more days were 64% more likely to sleep less than six hours a night. Sleep disorders lead to cardiovascular disease and stroke. In addition, chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, and coronary heart disease progress.

According to study author Calvin Diep, he and his colleagues analyzed data from 21,729 volunteers who used marijuana. These people represented the age group from 20 to 59 years old. They also complained of trouble falling asleep.

Two components of marijuana, cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, affect sleep quality. The former is a key component of medical marijuana and the latter is the main psychoactive compound that induces strong sensations. Both improve sleep in the short term but lead to sleep disturbances as they become addictive. Nevertheless, people continue to believe that marijuana helps them sleep, CNN reports.

In the U.S., more than 11% of pregnant women infected with HIV use marijuana. Experts believe that the main reason for the increase in the use of this drug is its legalization in many states.